I've got a collection on which I want to perform an aggregation. Weeks ago, everything worked perfectly, and since I've added some documents (with the same schema). However, when I try to aggregate my collection, I have the 16Mb limit of a BSON document exception that is thrown.
The most surprising is that I tried to identify when the limit is reached in the aggregation, and it is reached at the first step, where I simply unwind part of the document.
My question is then, how a stored document (which is by nature of size less than 16Mb) can become more than 16Mb after unwinding ? Note that the exception is thrown when I try to insert the resulting cursor into another collection with the InsertBatch method. I tried also to enumerate in the cursor but I have the same exception, the same if I try to access the first document.
[Edit]: I'm using version 2.6.1 of MongoDB and version 1.9.2 of the C# driver
[Edit]: The documents I use are similar to
"_id" : ObjectId("53ff90e8dcb48a09f090f291"),
"Val1" : 10
"Val2" : true,
"Mesure" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("53ff90e8dcb48a09f090f284"),
"Calibration" : {
"CalibrationDate" : ISODate("2014-08-28T16:29:59.335-04:00"),
"Expected" : [
"Bin" : 12,
"PositionCalibrated" : 0,
"PositionExpected" : 0,
"PositionMax" : 0,
"PositionMin" : 0,
"PositionStd" : 0,
"PositionTab" : [
"PositionTolerance" : 1
"Bin" : 11,
"PositionCalibrated" : 406.113044449032,
"PositionExpected" : 401.1,
"PositionMax" : 406.113044449032,
"PositionMin" : 406.113044449032,
"PositionStd" : 5.684341886080802e-014,
"PositionTab" : [
"PositionTolerance" : 1
"Bin" : 7,
"PositionCalibrated" : 454.9231746931026,
"PositionExpected" : 431.1,
"PositionMax" : 454.9231746931027,
"PositionMin" : 454.9231746931027,
"PositionStd" : 5.684341886080802e-014,
"PositionTab" : [
"PositionTolerance" : 1
"_id" : ObjectId("53ff9143dcb48a09f090f2ae")
"PositionMeasured" : 407.23645821
I use the aggregation pipeline with the C# driver. I want to do several aggregation steps (unwind, sort, group, project etc...) but the first step is to unwind those elements. The code used is as follow :
var UnwindCalib = new BsonDocument("$unwind", "$Mesure.Calibration.Expected");
var pipeline = new[] { UnwindCalib };
var args = new AggregateArgs();
args.Pipeline = pipeline;
args.AllowDiskUse = true;
var result = myCollection.Aggregate(args);
resultsCollection.InsertBatch(result); <----- I've got an error here.
The goal after unwinding is to match an expected item in the calibration to the current item.
size of single doc * total number of elements in the unwinded array
. – displayName