
I am trying to integrate Windows Azure AD in to iOS application. I was able to do authentication with common consent framework and also able to access list of users in my active directory. Format of my request, URL: https://graph.windows.net/mytenantdomain/users?api-version=2013-04-05 , HTTP Method: GET, HTTP Header: Authorization: Bearer <'access token'>

I am able to receive various other fields associated with users entity but it fails to return thumbnailPhoto field. Is there anything i need to do or its not supported as of now. Any solution to this issue will be helpful.

i faced the same issue , and [here][1] an answer . [1]: stackoverflow.com/a/26448601/3578163Ahmad Abu Ghoush

2 Answers


That is indeed the default behavior. You need to make an additional call to fetch the thumbnailPhoto property.

HTTP GET https://graph.windows.net/<directory_name_or_id>/users/<users_upn_or_objectid>/thumbnailPhoto?api-version=2013-11-08

Hope this helps


I was having this problem. I assumed the picture I was setting in my O365.com profile was the same as the thumbnailPhoto property. After unsuccessfully trying a couple times, I opted to upload a photo using Powershell: Set-AADUserThumbnailPhoto -Id "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx..." -ThumbnailPhotoFilePath "C:\users\me\Desktop\mypicture.jpg". Then it worked.