TLDR: How do I make Assetic scan for assets in Twig templates outside bundle?
I've got few registration wizards. Each of these wizards has it's own view directory, the file structure looks like this:
/SiteBundle/Wizard/[...several more...]/Resources/views
In config.yml I defined these paths for twig so I can use @general_wizard/template.html.twig paths:
"%kernel.root_dir%/../src/MyWeb/SiteBundle/Wizard/General/Resources/views": general_wizard
"%kernel.root_dir%/../src/MyWeb/SiteBundle/Wizard/CountrySpecific/Resources/views": country_specific_wizard
The problem is that assets used in these templates (inside the Wizard directories) are not dumped using assetic:dump. When I move the view sources to regular SiteBundle/Resources/views, then all the assets are correctly dumped.
Is there a way to make Assetic check the external templates too?