Hello I have question about a wpf/xaml text box c# implementation.
I am trying to figure out how in my c# code to know what the UpdateSourceTrigger is being used. I am a newbie, so I would very much appreciate if people are patient with me and helpful.
In my C# I need to know how the data in the Text box is trying to be accessed using UpdateSourceTrigger. I know the property changed when my OnPropertyChanged() is called. But I also need to know how if the user is trying to use LostFocus or PropertyChanged in the C# code. This is so I can do some special processing for either case.
<Binding Source="{StaticResource myDataSource}" Path="Name"
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
// If UpdateSourceTrigger= PropetyChanged then process one way
// If UpdateSourceTrigger= LostFocus then process one way
Is there any other methods that get called when using LostFocus?
Thanks you