I want to communicate with a DSP using RS232, so I use System.IO.SerialPort to achieve this. Everything goes well except the reading performance.
Every 200ms, the port can received a package of 144 bytes. But in the tests, the applications almost skip every other package. I try to print the system time in the console. It amaze me that the code below (when length = 140) take me over 200ms. It let the application can not handle the data in time.
Does anything wrong I do?
Port Property:
BaudRate = 9600
Parity = None
StopBits = One
private byte[] ReadBytesInSpicifiedLength(int length)
byte[] des = new byte[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
des[i] = (byte)serialPort.ReadByte();
return des;