
I would like to upgrade from Sencha Touch 2.3 to Sencha Touch 2.4

After doing: sencha app upgrade /sdk/touch-2.4.0, I successfully upgraded my project. However, when trying to build the project with: sencha app build -run native I get the following error with sencha-compass:

executing compass using system installed ruby runtime Sass::SyntaxError on line ["1"] of /resources/sass/common/_placeholders.scss: Invalid CSS after "": expected selector or at-rule, was "%txt-gray { col..."

Compass-sass shows this: extensions/sencha-compass/gems/gems/sass-3.1.7/lib/sass/scss/parser.rb:896:in 'expected'

My project used to compile fine with Sencha Touch 2.3, but now it is not working. I think the problem is with using CSS placeholders in Sencha Touch 2.4. So my question is how to get CSS placeholders to work in Sencha Touch 2.4

Thank you in advance.

Check out similar to this issue I had here: stackoverflow.com/questions/22646687/…jakeforaker
thanks @jakeed1. I'll try it out.Tha Leang
@jakeed1 thanks for the suggestion, but after trying that it still didn't workTha Leang

1 Answers


After so much time spent on this issue, I have realized that Sencha CMD does not need to recompile my scss files, and it is better for me to compass watch it myself.

In .sencha/app/build.properties

i added this line to skip sass: skip.sass=true

Now my app builds nicely with the Sencha Touch v2.4