I've been working with the SO solution found here. So far everything is working OK until I receive an IntuitBatchResponse "Invalid Reference Id" error stating that "Something you're trying to use has been deleted. Check the fields with accounts, customers, items, vendors or employees." I've verified with our accounting team that the account in question is active.
So my question is this - in the following line of code, what does the 'Value' property refer to?
journalEntryLineDetail.AccountRef = new ReferenceType() { name = "Accumulated Depreciation", Value = "36" };
So far I have verified that it's NOT the account number or the amount of the transaction. Intuit's online documentation for this (https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi/0050_data_services/030_entity_services_reference/journalentry) doesn't appear to have any indication of what this refers to in the accounting world. Has anyone come across this or had any experience in this area?