What is the best LDAP filter to search for users in Active Directory? In my example filters I also exclude disabled accounts and accounts without email addresses.
Consider searching for the following name: "firname middlename lastname". My code parses this name as the following:
$name = "firstname middlename lastname";
$nameArray = explode(" ", $name);
$fullName = $name;
$firsName = $nameArray[0];
$lastName = $nameArray[count($nameArray)-1];
This filter works great if you only search for "firstname lastname" or "firstname middlename lastname", but dont work if you search for "firstname middlename":
This filter works as intended but is painfully slow:
The displayName holds off course the full name, but is formatted "lastname firstname middlename". In a perfect world, people would have 0 or 1 middle names, or only one lastname, but off course they can have more than that.
Any suggestions how to make a good (fast) search filter?