
I just started testing my iOS7 app on iOS8 with Xcode 6 (beta 6). I am aware that iOS 8 has deprecated the "push" and "modal" segue but I was happy to find that all my segue's worked... except one.

I built a demo app to show that unwinding from a modal segue seems to be broken if your app uses a UITabBarController with UINavigationController. (I saw another unwind segue post, but it was using swift, where as my demo app is using obj-c).

Here is what I am seeing more specifically: [UITabBarContoller] -> [UINavigationController] -> [SomeViewController] -(Modal Segue)-> [This ViewController Cannot Unwind]

Interestingly, you CAN unwind if you do another modal segue: [UITabBarContoller] -> [UINavigationController] -> [SomeViewController] -(Modal Segue1)-> [This ViewController Cannot Unwind] -(Modal Segue2)-> [This ViewController CAN unwind]

I also found I can unwind if I remove either the UITabBarController or the UINavigationController, but I do not plan on changing my entire app UI architecture :)

From what I can see, the root view controller never receives a call to canPerformUnwindSegueAction:fromViewController:withSender: which it does in iOS7.

My Question: Is there a different way I should try to get my unwind segue to work?

Thanks for reading.

Demo code is here: https://github.com/nmsasaki/UnwindDemo


This issue seems to have been fixed by iOS8.1. (The iOS 8.0 work around of creating a custom subclass of UINavigationController continues to work.)

I logged a bug with Apple the same day for what it was worth.NSDev
I found an imperfect work around. I created a custom class of UINavigationController and added the unwind method to it. It allows the navigation to unwind running Xcode 6 GM against the iPhone 6 simulator.NSDev
see my temporary workaround stackoverflow.com/questions/25654941/…Stewart Hou
Thanks Stewart. I didn't see this other thread.NSDev
update your xCode to 6.1Eddwin Paz

1 Answers


Override viewControllerForUnwindSegueAction in UITabBarController by create a custom UITabBarController and use the custom one.