I am new to WebRTC.
I am looking to develop an Application on GAE Java infrastructure. Its a large application but I am looking to solve
Communication between Peer to Peer ie Browser to Browser
Goal : When a user draw a line on HTML 5 canvas, it should get updated on the canvas of the other user who is watching it. There will be one writer and multiple watchers, who only see the changes that writer is making. ( This is business logic )
Some links : http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/infrastructure/#how-can-i-build-a-signaling-service. I went through through these links which gives some knowledge on WebRTC but does not demonstrate or give any clue regarding (metadata) that need to be maintain on Server side in order to develop Signaling Server. I am looking to develop Signaling server using Channel API (Java)
My confusion : How address negotiation should be done on server side to make browsers talk to each other. Little code example or Algorithm in English sentences will really help..
Please let me know if I am in wrong direction. Few guidance will make things easier for me and even help me develop it better.
Thanks for your help. I really appreciate. Thanks, Shashank Pratap