I try to add a calculated member to a cube,
Currently in my report, I have something like this
dimension value
a 5
b 10
I try to add one calculated member x (= a/b)
dimension value
a 5
b 10
x 0.5
This works in management studio:
with member [dimension].[hierarchy].[x] as
( [Measures].[Value], [dimension].[hierarchy].[a])/
([Measures].[Value], [dimension].[hierarchy].[b])
select [Measures].[Value]
on 0
} on 1
from [cube]
where { [Date].[Date].&[20140821]}
But in the cube - calculated member, I tried assign the calculated member to [dimension].[hierarchy], in browser, I can see the x under [dimension].[hierarchy] together with 'All' member. But when I right click it, there is only option to add it to subcube, but I want it to be added to row area.
I know I can create calculated measure instead of calculate dimension, so it will be something like this:
dimension value x
a 5 0.5
b 10 0.5
but it's confusing for users.
I am novice, so is this doable (calculated dimension member)? and how?