I have a flat file connection which loads a text file in an SSIS package. Visual Studio insists on sometimes adding a text qualifier on the connection manager, even though I delete it. When this text qualifier is added, the last record in the file is skipped so this causes problems. I need a way of ensuring that the files work always, with or without this qualifier. Since I am creating these files programatically, how does it need to end so that the qualifier doesn't impact it? I tried ending the file with \r\n but it didn't seem to solve the issue.
1 Answers
If you edit the text qualifier out using the properties flyout tab on the right just by clicking on the task once... it should stay gone until you edit the connection again... then it will come back and you will have to do that once again.
It seems to be a issue when editing the connection using the editor.
See below:
is not going to be valid for qualifiers in SSIS lingo, it will be CRLF. – billinkc