
Getting a deadlock occasionally when several threads trying to access [PFUser currentUser] when using parse iOS sdk v1.2.20

It looks like whenever I make a PFQuery call or PFCloud function call, these operations also access [PFUser currentUser], so there's increase chance of deadlock if you are making queries from separate threads.

Anyone else find a solution for this, I doubt parse even is aware of the problem as they closed these related issues long ago: https://www.parse.com/questions/parse-locking-up-the-main-thread-possible-deadlock And this one: https://www.parse.com/questions/occasional-freezing-at-pfuser-currentuser

You may check if your issue corresponds to this bug and subscribe to it: developers.facebook.com/bugs/1459246127692533C Abernathy
I also have that problem. It looks like it appears more often with local data storage enabled. Any workarounds?Alexander Vasenin

1 Answers


Parse has released an update with a possible fix of the currentUser deadlock.

Hopefully this fixes your situation.

Check the changelog and try updating to Parse SDK v1.7.2.