For a product which does not belong to any collection we can have url defined as - <shop-url>/products/< product.handle >
. In case a product belongs to a collection it changes to - <shop-url>/collections/<collection-name>/products/< product.handle >
. Is there any third case also?
How to handle these cases. Also, I do not get the collection name attached to the product when I make an api call so that I may build upon the url myself. Is there a generic way to get the product url when fetching product via api call?
I wonder why shopify does not provide with the product url straightways! Is there any reason?
I just realized that even if a product is associated with a collection we can have its url as <shop-url>/products/< product.handle >
; and <shop-url>/collections/<collection-name>/products/< product.handle >
are same thing. Two different url but same page?