I am new to node-postgres and am unable to resolve this error when I try to ensure no sql injection is possible with my prepared statement.
Here is a snippet of the code
// the prepared statement
var preparedstatement = client.query({
text: "select ST_AsText(ST_Transform(geodata,4326)) from table_name where ST_Contains(ST_GeomFromText($1,4326),table_name.geodata)",
values: ["POINT(Lat Long)"],
name: 'where'
// the query
var queryresult = client.query({name: 'where', values: [msg]},["'; DROP TABLE user;"], function(err) {
if (err) {
socket.emit('query error', String(err));
Whenever I enter the geodata (as a message from the client using socket.io), the socket.emit returns an error saying
Invalid geometry
However the code works fine when I remove ["'; DROP TABLE user;"],
from the code i.e.
// the query
var queryresult = client.query({name: 'where', values: [msg]}, function(err) {
if (err) {
socket.emit('query error', String(err));
(above) works perfectly. Any help in helping me understand what I am doing wrong here would be great.