I have a base Core.h file and many other .cpp and .h files, lets say - (a.cpp, a.h, b.cpp, b.h, c.cpp, c.h)
Now, I have included Core.h file in all .h files (i.e. a.h, b.h and c.h) . And in c.cpp, I am including a.h and b.h file. As a result Core.h file is getting included two times and I am getting error of kind
/tmp/ccq7z6jY.o: In function `fileID2fileName(int)':
/home/Core.h:20: multiple definition of `fileID2fileName(int)'
/tmp/cciNkoqe.o:/home/Core.h:20: first defined here
/tmp/ccravW4I.o: In function `fileID2fileName(int)':
/home/Core.h:20: multiple definition of `fileID2fileName(int)'
/tmp/cciNkoqe.o:/home/Core.h:20: first defined here
/tmp/ccdUjOEu.o: In function `fileID2fileName(int)':
/home/Core.h:20: multiple definition of `fileID2fileName(int)'
/tmp/cciNkoqe.o:/home/Core.h:20: first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status