
I code primarily in vb.net. I've been doing basic dependency injection manually and am looking to learn more about DI/IoC and maybe use a DI/IoC framework/container like Ninject. There are lots of examples and write-ups using Java and C# code. I'm looking for the best resources for vb.net programmers. Likewise, is there a particular framework that would be easiest for a vb.net programmer to pick up?


3 Answers


I do all my work in VB.NET and use Unity exclusively.

The biggest issue I've had when looking at other frameworks was the extensive use of Lambdas for the container configuration/registration. Since VB.NET currently only supports single line lambdas that return a value, i.e. Function(), it becomes unwieldy at best and impossible in some cases.


I use StructureMap and made some posts about it

StructureMap is way cool even in VB.Net

and the C# version

Structuremap is way cool

Mind you, the configuration has change a little since then.

But be aware that the current version (9.0) of VB.Net is not that good with lambda expressions. But this should be better with version 10.0