I'm new to Sencha extjs framework, I started on the files in the documentation, I made a lot of things so far but in one javascript file. I noticed then that I should make new project using Sencha cmd for smaller sized framework. I'm having troubles copying my code to the fresh new generated project. the project is generated in MVC style, and my code is all in one file, structured in casual manner.
Where should I put my code? Before using the new generated project the index.html had the references to the ext-all.js, theme.css, and the app.js files. but the generated project index.html has onle a reference on bootstrap.js. what this file for? and from where the application start rolling? I found a file called Application.js in [app] folder. And there is a file called app.js contains the Ext.Application method. I tried to put a lunch function there and put all my code above it, and start it in the lunch, but I faced too many errors!
Any help please.