Thanks much for your time and for all your help. Actually, I made a mistake in the previous post when specifying the problem. Thus, I reformulate my question using a simpler example. I need to solve symbolically the equation Ct = Z/(P-I) or Ct*(P-I) = Z.
I already know the answer => Ct = [sigma, 1-sigma]
How to program "correctly" the code in order to get the solution
syms sigma;
Ct = sym('Ct',[1 2]);
P = [sigma 1-sigma;
sigma 1-sigma];
I = [1 0;
0 1];
Z = [0 0];
solve(Ct*(P-I) == Z);
So far, I get :
Z =
0 0
Warning: The solutions are parametrized by the symbols: z = C_
In solve at 190 In test_matrix_sigma at 13
Or with
solve(Ct == Z/(P-I), Ct);
I get:
Warning: System is rank deficient. Solution is not unique. Warning: 4 equations in 2 variables.
In /opt/MATLAB/R2013a/toolbox/symbolic/symbolic/symengine.p>symengine at 56 In mupadengine.mupadengine>mupadengine.evalin at 97 In mupadengine.mupadengine>mupadengine.feval at 150 In solve at 170 In test_matrix_sigma at 13
Thanks for the answer !
Now I have two issues: 1) When I try to handla a more complicated system:
syms a b P1 P2;
I = [1 0 0 0;
0 1 0 0;
0 0 1 0;
0 0 0 1];
P = [a*P1 (1-a)*P1 (1-b)*(1-P1) b*(1-P1);
a*P1 (1-a)*P1 (1-b)*(1-P1) b*(1-P1);
b*(1-P2) (1-b)*(1-P2) (1-b)*P2 b*(1-P2);
b*(1-P2) (1-b)*(1-P2) (1-b)*P2 b*(1-P2)];
assume(a, 'real');
assume(b, 'real');
assume(P1, 'real');
assume(P2, 'real');
answer = null((P-I)');
I get
ans =
[ empty sym ]
as the only answer.
2) If there is a way in maltlab to "solve" the above symbolic matrix P and find the symbolic determinant ?
For instance, if I do eid(P) it works;
when I do det(P) it gives 0 as answer...