I am building a database in Access, for which I import data from an Excel workbook questionnaire. I have coded an Import-sub that selects, opens, retrieves the data from and finally closes the workbook.
The problem is this: for some reason, when I now open any excel workbook on my computer (at a time when neither Access or Excel is in use) some old version of the questionnaire keeps opening as well. This problem doesn't end by restarting the computer, but only by deleting that specific questionnaire-workbook. But then it starts happening with another workbook.
I have a theory that this might be because I - in my import-sub - have opened the questionnaire, encountered a run-time error which has ended the sub before it closed the workbook, and that somehow the workbook is still "open". Or that there still is a link active.
So I have two questions:
1.) Does anyone know how I can fix this problem?
2.) Is there generally any consequences of not closing a workbook that you open through VBA?
My relevant code is:
Dim MyXL As Excel.Application
Dim MyWB As Excel.Workbook
in between lots of stuff happening, several times an error occurs which interrupts the program.
MyWB.Close False
Appreciate any help on this!
and see if you have any code there? – Siddharth Rout