I am trying to add permissions to a Liferay-Portlet based on the documentation of Liferay. Since the Portlet will be delivered in a war-package, I want to mantain the permission definition of the portlets inside the portlet itself.
I created a file resource-actions.xml with the following content (portlet-name is identical to the name specified in portlet.xml and liferay-*.xml):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
There is no model-resource defined, because first I just want to see, if Liferay loads the permissions I set in the mapping file.
I placed the file in the folders - WEB-INF - WEB-INF/classes - inside the portal-impl.jar of Liferay - ...
But the new permission TEST_PERM does not show up under Control Panel -> Roles -> Define Permissions -> Add Portlet Permissions -> test-portlet. Does anybody know, what I am doing wrong here?