If your connection string uses the Microsoft.ACE.OleDb.12.0
provider then you need the Microsoft Access Database Engine installed on the client.
At the link provided you could find the installation of the two versions of this provider.
One for 32bit and one for 64bit.
The right one to use depends by the Target CPU defined in your app and by the operating system bitness. Of course on a 32bit OS you cannot install a 64bit provider while the reverse is possible.
If your app is compiled for x86 as Target CPU then you need the 32bit version and you could install your app also on 64bit systems. If your app is compiled for x64 Target CPU then you need the 64bit version and you could run only on 64bit systems. If your app is compiled for Any CPU
then you should decide at install time which version of ACE.OleDb.12.0
to install depending on the bitness of the operating system.
If this is not enough to give you headache then things start to look very bad if there is an Office already installed on the client machine.
Office installs automatically the provider compatible with its version (32 or 64 bit) and you cannot install a different version of these libraries side by side with the other one.
So what are your best options?
- Write your app for
x86 Target CPU
and provide a dedicated setup for
systems where Office 64 bit is installed or ask your customer to change Office version. (I'm kidding)
- Write your app for
AnyCPU Target
, check at install time the OS bitness and choose the appropriate version of the engine. On 64bit systems hope that your customer has not
installed a 32bit version of Office.
- Use the
Access 2003 format (mdb)
and compile for x86 Target CPU. This
approach requires the Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0
provider that should
be already available on any target client. It doesn't require to install
anything and it should work flawlessy on any system.
- Switch to
or Sql Server Compact Edition
or Sql Server
. These options requires a complete retesting of the
application, database schema migration and probably code changes. Still, dedicated
libraries, are needed to distribute
Personally for small, single user applications, with limited amount of data (less than 1gb) and with integration with other Office applications I use the Access 2003 MDB solution.