
Few days ago instance's size in Cloud SQL stucked. There was a lot of data (~164 GB) but two days ago database was greatly maintained and cleaned, so now it takes much less space (~10-20 GB I think). Developers Console still shows "163.9 GB of 250 GB". Don't know how to force size update. Restart did not help.

And also a strange thing with backups at "Operations" tab: Aug 17, 2014 7:10:07 AM Backup Done An unknown error occurred On "Overview" tab the last backup in the list is from August 14. So the backups are broken.

May be, there is a hidden link between these two.

Any thoughts?


1 Answers


Those are probably unrelated.

See: MySQL InnoDB not releasing disk space after deleting data rows from table.

You will need to contact Cloud SQL support directly for the issue with your backup. Email them at [email protected] and include the instance name.