I'm trying to refactor some custom d3 code that I wrote to render a series of crossfilter-driven charts by bringing in dc.js.
My main problem is that I have some chart types that are not supported by dc.js (e.g. a Sunburst Partition) and I'm trying to figure out how to render them in conjunction with a dc.js chart group.
Filtering a single dc.js chart will automatically render / redraw all other charts belonging to the same chartGroup. Is it possible to somehow hook into that global re-render event, so that I can re-draw the non-dc charts at the same time?
I understand that there are listeners on each individual chart, e.g. chart.on("postRender", function(chart){...})
but there doesn't seem to be a way to hook into re-rendering a group of charts. Is there a good pattern by which this could be accomplished?