Given an undirected graph, what would be an algorithm to find all polygons within such graph? Here is an example graph with polygons in colour.
Note that there is a polygon ABCIHGJKLMLKA, which includes the nodes KLM, but the polygon CDEG does not include F.
I have read of solutions to this problem, but without the leaf requirement that I have. Some axioms that exist in previous solutions is that each edge is only used twice, however dead-end edges would need to be traversed four times in total. That is, there exists a polygon that contains all the outer nodes ABCDEFGJKLMLKA, however it is discarded as it would be outward facing.
One solution to a similar problem, sans the leafs, is described here:
It seems that the solution linked does not work as intended, an example of this is illustrated:
The algorithm would traverse the graph A-B-C-A-E-D-C, identifying the triangle ABC, but also the polygon CAEDC, which is not intended
There is a simple solution to this problem actually: remove larger polygons which contain other polygon's points.