If you wanted to get the means of the elements from col1-col5
, col6-col10
, etc.
m1 <- matrix(c(rep(1:100, 2), 1:20), ncol=22)
n <- 5
p1 <- prod(dim(m1))
n1 <- nrow(m1)*n
n2 <- p1-p1%%n1
c(rowMeans(matrix(m1[1:n2], nrow=p1%/%n1, byrow=TRUE)), mean(m1[(n2+1):p1]))
sapply(seq(1,ncol(m1), by=n), function(i) mean(m1[,i:(min(c(i+n-1), ncol(m1)))]) )
#[1] 25.5 75.5 25.5 75.5 10.5
With some labels
indx <- seq(1,n2/nrow(m1), by=n)
indx1 <- paste("Col",paste(indx, indx+4, sep="-"),sep="_")
indx2 <- paste("Col", paste(seq(p1%%n1+1, ncol(m1)),collapse="-"), sep="_")
c(rowMeans(matrix(m1[1:n2], nrow=p1%/%n1, byrow=TRUE, dimnames=list(indx1, NULL))), setNames(mean(m1[(n2+1):p1]), indx2))
I realized that you wanted the rowMeans
by splitting up columns 1:5
, 6:10
, 11:15
etc. If that is the case:
res1 <- cbind( colMeans(aperm(array(m1[1:n2], dim=c(nrow(m1), n, p1%/%n1)), c(2,1,3))),
which is equal to manual splitting the columns
res2 <- cbind(rowMeans(m1[,1:5]), rowMeans(m1[,6:10]), rowMeans(m1[,11:15]),
rowMeans(m1[,16:20]), rowMeans(m1[,21:22]))
colnames(res1) <- c(indx1,indx2)