
I Am Following this tutorial: http://blog.nraboy.com/2014/07/use-polymer-apache-cordova/

and i have found out that the polymer part in the app fails to work probebly beacause my device android version is only 4.2.1 .

i've heard that crosswalk project can open the chromium webview instead of the default android webview so my question is: 1) how do i implement it to the project above. 2) how well polymer works on ios / how do i do the same thing that crosswalk does on ios since there is no chrome in ios.


2 Answers


You can try the Crosswalk-based Cordova:


there is not much effort to migrate from apache Cordova to Crosswalk-based Cordova

And here is the download: https://www.crosswalk-project.org/#documentation/downloads


download Intel XDK (its free) http://xdk-software.intel.com/ copy your app to new project, click on build tab, choose crosswalk. you can also click on Preview on device it will open the app in your connected device

you can read more here: https://software.intel.com/en-us/html5/blogs/what-is-crosswalk