
Im trying to add an access database as a OLEDB datasource in my C#.net Windows Form App.

Heres the error: "Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed".

Configuration: Windows 8 X64 Microsoft Office 2013 X32 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1

Through searching forums and etc, I have installed the following drivers based on other suggestions: Installed Microsoft Access Database Engine (2010) Installed Microsoft Access Database Engine (2007) Installed Microsoft Access Runtime 2007

What could I be missing?

I had this problem with OleDb ages ago and found out that it was being caused by a redundant node in my DbProviderFactories section of my machine.config file. Does the answer marked green in this thread (forums.asp.net/t/…) help you at all?adaam
I dont have a redundant node; however, I noticed that the only DBProviderFactories sub node i had was for SQL Server Compact and IBM DB2. Should I also have one for OleDB?user1151031

1 Answers


Have you installed the Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 driver? You probably use that engine, try to install it.

I believe it will help you, let me know.