I'm new to Solr and I'm interested in implementing a special facet.
Sample documents:
{ hostname: google.com, time_spent: 100 }
{ hostname: facebook.com, time_spent: 10 }
{ hostname: google.com, time_spent: 30 }
{ hostname: reddit.com, time_spent: 20 }
I would like to return a facet with the following structure:
{ google.com: 130, reddit.com: 20, facebook.com: 10 }
Although solr return values are much more verbose than this, the important point is how the "counts" for the facets are the sum of the time_spent values for the documents rather than the actual count of the documents matching the facet.
Idea #1:
I could use a pivot:
However, this returns the counts of all the unique time spent values for every unique hostname. I could sum this up in my application manually, but this seems wasteful.
Idea #2
I could use the stats module:
However, this has two issues. First, the returned results contain all the hostnames. This is really problematic as my dataset has over 1m hostnames. Further, the returned results are unsorted - I need to render the hostnames in order of descending total time spent.
Your help with this would be really appreciated!