I am working with a ListView. Adding a new item to a ListView is easy, but how to remove one?
I build my ListView this way :
public Node buildListView() {
ObservableList<String> myList = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
int counter = 0;
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
myList.add("Number " + new Integer(i+1).toString());
ListView<String> listView = new ListView<>();
listView.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<String>, ListCell<String>> (){
public ListCell<String> call(ListView<String> arg0) {
return new listcells.ListcellY(listView);
return listView;
An instance of ListcellY sets a label in setGraphics. To remove the String associated to it from my ObservableList I add a MouseEvent handler :
public class ListcellY extends ListCell<String> {
Label label;
HBox hbox;
ListView<String> listView;
public ListcellY( ListView<String> listView ) {
this.listView = listView; // Here I pass the reference to my list. Is it a gd way to do that?
protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
label = new Label(item);
label.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, e -> {
System.out.println("CLicked on : " + item);
for(String s : listView.getItems()) {
System.out.println(" " + s);
listView.getItems().remove(item); // Here I remove the item form my list.
System.out.println("list size : " + listView.getItems().size());
While this code works by removing each clicked item from my ObservableList, the listView is acting strangely. Each time a label is clicked, it successully disappears from my ListView, however a new item is automatically added at the end of that ListView, baring the name of the last label's text (but it is not a clickable label). It keeps repeating until my ObservableList is empty. Then the ListView does not show anything.
I simply want my clicked labels to disappear, without getting any new "visual copy" in my TreeView. It is s if an index parameter is set to the original size of my ObservableList, then the ListView copies the last element until it gets the right number of elements. But I don't understand how it is done.
What can I do, what's going on in the first place?