
The questions is related to my other ANSWERED question - Symfony2 YAML Entity field not being bound

I have problems with my queries. Once I add VIA CONSOLE new entity fields - they are not being selected automatically. I've narrowed down problem to this...

I have query like this:

"SELECT o from Infobiz\CoreBundle\Entity\Organization as o LEFT JOIN o.picture as p WHERE o.slug = ?1";

This query, in the debugger, does not get the select of a new field. Try again, but:

"SELECT o from Infobiz\CoreBundle\Entity\Organization as o LEFT JOIN o.picture as p WHERE o.slug = ?1 ";

I added space inside of DQL string and THIS query DOES get the select of a new field. How can I avoid adding spaces to every other query there is??? I've tried everything here - Symfony2 doctrine clear cache - does not work. Clearly, though, it's a caching problem. Just don't know what it is.


1 Answers


I was using memcache and it was caching all DQLS:

php app/console memcached:clear --clearAll default

default being the "cluster" name in config. the NAME not id.