I have a general question on how the flow happens in faceted search..
1.Assume that I issue a faceted query search as given below -
&facet.query=price:[* TO 100]
&facet.query=price:[100 TO 200]
&facet.query=[price:200 TO 300]
&facet.query=price:[300 TO 400]
&facet.query=[price:400 TO 500]
&facet.query=price:[500 TO *]
2.Now, I want to filter the results based on the below query...
&fq=price:[400 to 500]
Everything works well. ie; the last query is executed based on the results of the first query..
What will happen in the following case?
When I run a simple "select all" query -
And then run a filter on the faceted query -
/solr/query?q=camera &facet=on&facet.field=manu &fq=price:[400 to 500] &fq=camera_type:SLR
Will the 'select all' will break the cached query? So, the next faceted query(camera_type:SLR) won't able to run against the filter cache?