I have an indexed neo4j DB with 200,000 nodes and close to 4 million relationships (two types of relationships). Using the C# API, I am trying to do a "Baconator" type of query that not only gives me the shortest path, but gives me the some of the other shorter paths. (E.g. If the shortest path has 3 nodes, I would also like to see the other runner-up results of length 4, 5.. ect.).
This is the query I use first (in C# call):
string whereClause = "a.Id='" + userId.ToUpper() + "' and b.Id='" + targetId.ToUpper() + "'";
var query = graphClient.Cypher
This only gives me the paths of the shortest length. To get the other less-short paths, I am using the following:
//nextDegree starts at the degree of the shortest path
while (nextDegree <= 6)
var auxiliaryQuery = graphClient.Cypher
.Match("p=(a:Person)-[*" + (nextDegree) + ".." + (nextDegree) + "]-(b:Person)")
This works, but performance takes quite a hit, as queries take over 30 seconds when reaching length of 5, and minutes when reaching 6.
My question is: Is there a way I can optimize this? (Either by using the simple path algorithm within Cypher or other methods)