I have two form, A and B.
user will select a country code from combobox
and it will then be saved to DB.
a textbox
shows the country code that was saved to the database earlier.
I want to change the country code in FORM B
when edit
is selected.
How to change: 1. the textbox will first be hidden 2. a combobox with all the country codes will be shown with selected value equals to the hidden textbox value.
I have tried putting the info into the combobox like the textboxes straight from the database when it is blank, e.g:
cbCountryCode.Text = CStr(dataTable.Rows(0).Item(2))
but this does not work. I also need to keep the country codes in the combobox as the user will need to change the country code if it's wrong. Is there a way of doing this? I have a work around where I don't let the user update the info if the combobox is blank, but I want the country code to be already there so that the user does not have to select a country code again if it is not wrong. Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.
holds a country code, for example, Ireland (+353), United Kingdom (+44) or U.S.A. (1)
This is the code I have for calling the information from the database:
sqlVisitorDetails = "SELECT * FROM visitorDetails WHERE idNumber=@idNumber"
sqlCmd = New SqlCommand(sqlVisitorDetails, sqlCon)
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@idNumber", txtIdNumber.Text)
dtVisitorDetails = loadDtVisitorDetails()
txtFirstName.Text = CStr(dtVisitorDetails.Rows(0).Item(1))
txtLastName.Text = CStr(dtVisitorDetails.Rows(0).Item(2))
txtContactNumber.Text = CStr(dtVisitorDetails.Rows(0).Item(3))
txtCountryCode.Text = CStr(dtVisitorDetails.Rows(0).Item(4))
txtAddress.Text = CStr(dtVisitorDetails.Rows(0).Item(5))
The country code (e.g. 'Ireland (+353)') is stored in dtVisitorDetails.Rows(0).Item(4) and this is put into the text box txtCountryCode. When edit is clicked on the form, the text box txtCountryCode is hidden and the combobox cbCountryCode is visible (before edit is clicked txtCountryCode is shown and cbCountryCode is hidden). I then want the country code (in this case 'Ireland (+353)') to be shown in the cbCountryCode combo box. At the moment when the combobox is shown it is blank and the user has to choose a country code again, even if it's right. I hope this makes things clearer.