Communication between UI and BackgroundMediaPlayer can be done by sending messages:
A simple communication mechanism raises events in both the foreground and background processes. The SendMessageToForeground and SendMessageToBackground methods each invoke events in the corresponding task. Data can be passed as an argument to the event handler in the receiving task.
You use SendMessageToBackground to pass a simple object by using ValueSet. Once you send it to your BMP Instance, then the MessageReceivedFromForeground event is raised and you can read your passed object from MediaPlayerDataReceivedEventArgs.
In your case, you can for example pass a string with a file path to your Player:
// the UI code - send from Foreground to Background
ValueSet message = new ValueSet();
message.Add("SetTrack", yourStorageFile.Path); // send path (string)
Then as I've said - the appropriate event is (should be) raised by Player instance:
private async void BMP_MessageReceivedFromForeground(object sender, MediaPlayerDataReceivedEventArgs e)
foreach (string key in e.Data.Keys)
switch (key)
case "SetTrack":
string passedPath = (string)e.Data.Values.FirstOrDefault();
//here code you want to perform - change track/stop other
// that depends on your needs
// rest of the code
I strongly recommend to read the mentioned overview at MSDN, debug your program and see how it works.
On the other hand if you want just to set track from file you can try like this (you can't set FileSource in UI - that's true, but you can use SetUriSource):
// for example playing the first file from MusicLibrary (I assume that Capabilities are set properly)
StorageFile file = (await KnownFolders.MusicLibrary.GetFilesAsync()).FirstOrDefault();
BackgroundMediaPlayer.Current.SetUriSource(new Uri(file.Path, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));