I'm creating and WPF application using the MVVM in VS 2013; first implementation was with SQL server and it worked like a charm.
Second phase is to have support for Advantage Sybase. For this I have downloaded Advantage Data Provier to have the connection in connection drop down list ( http://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/article.php/c17027/Using-the-ADONET-Entity-Framework-with-the-Advantage-Database-Server.htm ).
For VS 2013 there is a problem with this and the workaround is to manually edit the registry to have this provider (http://blog.nwoolls.com/2012/07/25/registering-missing-data-providers-with-visual-studio-2012/).
Now I have the provider in the drop down, I can select the provider, but when I try to generate the script for data base generation I have a weird error:
ERROR: " Could not find the appropriate DbProviderManifest to generate the SSDL. The supplied provider Manifest token '2008' is not valid. "
Any ideas on how to use the DB Provider correctly?