
My SVN repo is on Cloudforge. I use VS2012 with AnkhSvn for dev. In my Windows Explorer, I am using TortoiseSVN v1.8.7

I am trying to "checkout" my entire project into a fresh folder. It has 2 folders, 1 for the web application, and 1 for the data layer code.

I right clicked within the empty folder and click on Checkout. All seems fine then it suddenly stops with the message:

Error retrieving REPORT: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I have Googled this widely experienced issue, but to no avail regarding a solution. Can you recommend some solutions to attempt.



StackTrace received when attempting Checkout via AnkhSVN.


SharpSvn.SvnSystemException: Error retrieving REPORT: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
at SharpSvn.SvnClientArgs.HandleResult(SvnClientContext client, SvnException error, Object targets) at SharpSvn.SvnClientArgs.HandleResult(SvnClientContext client, svn_error_t* error, Object targets) at SharpSvn.SvnClient.CheckOut(SvnUriTarget url, String path, SvnCheckOutArgs args, SvnUpdateResult& result) at SharpSvn.SvnClient.CheckOut(SvnUriTarget url, String path, SvnCheckOutArgs args) at Ankh.Commands.OpenFromSubversion.PerformCheckout(ProgressWorkerArgs e, SvnUriTarget projectTop, SvnRevision revision, String localDir) at Ankh.Commands.OpenFromSubversion.<>c__DisplayClassc.b__b(Object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs ee) at Ankh.ProgressRunnerService.ProgressRunner.Run(Object arg)


Do you get the same error in AnkhSVN and TortoiseSVN?bahrep
I have now tried this from AnkhSVN via "Open from Subversion" which does a "Checkout" as well, but then got the error again, but this time with a StackTrace. See EDIT1. I have raised a ticket with Cloudforge.SamJolly
I'm having the same problem, started happening after their latest migration on Aug 8th.Petrucio
(...)"a new, more reliable Subversion service architecture for Cloudforge. We are in the process of migrating"(...) More reliable my ass.Petrucio
It's been 12 days since you reported this and I've just run into the same thing. CloudForge's response is that they are "working on it". Guess we're finding a new provider tooJames R

4 Answers


If it worked with AnkhSVN previously and now suddenly stopped then the root cause is most likely on the side of CloudForge hosting. Contact their support or wait.


I was having the same error with subversion running on a local server at my office. I was trying to get on it over VPN with tortoise svn. I tried smart svn and got the same error....

Turns out I needed to forward port 1994 for OpenVPN on my router to my machine, giving my machine a reserved ip address and forwarding the port solved my problem.

No more error.

If you are running windows 10, chances are you'll need to forward a port for any VPN you might be using.


I had the same issue when using VPN with CollabNet's SubversionEdge.

I simply enabled Subversion Server should serve via https in Configuration -> Server Settings and this solved the issue for me.

I also posted this answer here.


If you are using Apache, try to put this two lines

SVNAllowBulkUpdates Prefer
LimitXMLRequestBody 0

In your svn config file. Take a look in the following link
