I am wanting to upgrade a site to universal analytics, which is a simple process. But it will be too time consuming to go though our content management system and pick out every single copy of the old code "_gaq.push..." etc (I will be doing my best here but we have a massive amount of legacy HTML in our content management software).
I am wondering if one of the older code snippets appears for our customers will it cause a javascript error in the browser or will universal analytics just ignore it. And if we get a javascript error on a page we will stop the site working on that page for users, as we use a lot of javascript on the site.
In phase 1 of the switch to universal analytics https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/upgrade/#phase-1 Google mentions that the older code will be valid for a period. Can we use a bit of both or do we have to stick to one or the other.