- Is there a way to avoid manually defining paths and shims in requirejs for webjars and all their transitive dependencies? (Or at least for webjars that come with a requirejs.config() call)?
- Is there a simple example (or seed) of a Play 2.3 app that uses webjars and requirejs with javascript packages that have transitive dependencies? (Where each transitive dependency doesn't have to be manually configured with a shim in the app's requirejs config block?)
Problem Description:
I'm migrating a project to play 2.3 and am running into some issues grok-ing how webjars+requirejs are supposed to integrate. Simple problem that illustrates my confusion:
I want to use angular-ui-calendar (, so I add the following to build.sbt:
"org.webjars" % "angular-ui-calendar" % "0.8.1"
After the update, sbt pulls down the angular-ui-calendar web jar, as well as the dependencies specified in its pom.xml (jquery-ui and fullcalendar).
To use any of it though, I have to add a bunch of paths and shims to main.js containing my requirejs config... basically:
paths: {
'angular-ui-calendar' : ['../lib/angular-ui-calendar/calendar'],
'jquery-ui' : ['../lib/jquery-ui/jquery-ui']
/* ... */
shim: {
exports: 'angular'
deps: ['angular', 'jquery-ui', 'fullcalendar']
/* ... */
If all this manual shimming is necessary, what's the point of the requirejs.config()'s defined in some webjars? (For example: