
I am new to Matlab. I need to read an image from a file and process it. (i.e. read pixel values, resize it using my own functions,...) Then I need to display it on the UI. How do I do this?

IMSHOW() takes the whole axis area assigned and do not get resize.

EDITED I get an image of 100X100px. I want the user to see the 100X100px. Then resize that image using my own function to 50X50px. I want to show the resized image on the same axis, but this time it should be seen half of the original size.

I'm sorry this doesn't make any sense. It sounds like you should display the whole image, but now you don't want to?rayryeng
mathworks.com/help/images/… Adjusting the initial magnification may help; Also try this - mathworks.com/help/images/ref/truesize.htmlYvon
Thank you both... It was helpful...user3946110

1 Answers


If I understand correctly what you want to do, the following should work for you

Ir=I(1:2:end,1:2:end); //resize 50%

This will only work for 50% resizing. Resizing at an arbitrary scale will need some interpolation.

The following will display the resized image on the upper left corner of the same figure:

hold on;

If I have not understood your purpose correctly let me know in the comments