I have wasted so much time looking through the examples given on internet. But I just cant figure out why can't I plot a simple graph of a list of datetime.date objects against a list of integers
appleProd1 appleProd2 appleProd3 appleProd4 ..... 70 Products
apple.com 2010-09-12 2008-01-01 2009-03-02 .......................
I wanted to plot a scatter plot for the launch dates with x axis as dates and y axis as the products. And I do this
plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
product_list = []
label_ticks = []
date_list = []
yval = 1
for prod, date in df.iteritems(): #date is a datetime.date object
date = pd.to_datetime(date)
product = prod
plt.plot_date(date_list, label_ticks)
The last line plt.plot gives me an error saying TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number
. I have also tried converting both the lists to numpy array and use same plt.scatter. Same error. Length of both lists is same. Referred to this site also
Some dates are Nan also. So converting using date2num is giving error there.
See also here: stackoverflow.com/a/1574146/1898982 – jonie83