I am porting existing C++ app (game engine) to support Windows Store 8 and Windows Phone 8.1 Apps and I am having problem with the _wfindfirst function. On regular Win32 it returns a handle to the first found element matching the pattern. we use it mainly to get information about directory or file.
The function I am trying to get working on WindowsPhone/Windows Store App is like this:
bool sys_GetFileInfo(const std::string& path, FileInfo* info) {
long handle = _wfindfirst(p.c_str(), &item); // path gets converted to wstring
if (handle != -1L) {
info->size = (item.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) ? -1 : item.size;
info->modifiedAt = item.time_write;
return true;
So it was used to retrieve file size and modification date (and if it happened to be directory the size was set to -1)
The first usage was to get info about working directory of an exe so in case of the WinRT/WP/WS I am using it with the path provided by
std::wstring wpath = Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current->InstalledLocation->Path->Data();
The path in this case is:
wpath = L"C:\\foo\\winrt\\winrt\\Debug\\foo_winrt.Windows\\AppX"
The problem is that it always returns -1, when I check the error string with GetLastError() code I get the access denied error. This is confusing as in my understanding application should have read access to this location so _wfindfirst is a read operation right? On Win32 it worked given a regular directory path.
Why this function fails? Is there any other viable option to achieve the same result for WinRT ?