
I'm writing a .Rnw file in TextMate when using knitr to convert this file to a .tex file, then converting the .tex file a PDF. I'm wondering if there are any tools available that will automate this process, ie everytime anything updates in the .Rnw file, the PDF also updates? Using knitr to combine R and LaTeX code is great, but I think the conversion process to PDF takes up a lot of time, especially if changes to the .Rnw file are small but need to be cross-checked in the PDF file everytime they are made.

It would seem you would need cache = TRUE in knitr (chunks). Upon compilation, this will update only "changed" chunks (a change is a matter of definition).Roman Luštrik
I think what I'm hoping for is more ambitious than cache = TRUE. I want the PDF to update automatically, without having to manually compile the .Rnw and .tex filesluciano
Take a look at any of the build automation tools, e.g. makefile or gradleAndrie

1 Answers


If you are on Linux use inotifywait for that. Most distributions have the package inotify-tools

Then do something like

while inotifywait -e close_write myfile.Rnw; do compile_myfile.sh; done


while inotifywait -e delete_self myfile.Rnw; do compile_myfile.sh; done

It depends on how your editor actually saves files. Just try and read the man page.

You have to write compile_myfile.sh of course to compile the .Rnw to .pdf - but I guess you know the commands.