I guess you could determine the length in the datasource itself, and then resize the combobox. This works for a demo project, but i guess depending on styles and padding that you might need to to some more refining to the sizing technique.
This determines the size of the elements (again, in case you are using objects instead of strings inside the array, you might need to refine it a bit (you could pass the displayMember if you'd like)
function determineWidth(ds) {
var l = ds.length, selement = document.createElement('span'), maxwidth = 0, curwidth = 0;
selement.style = 'position: fixed; left: -500px; top: -500px;';
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
curwidth = $(selement).width();
if (curwidth < maxwidth) {
maxwidth = curwidth;
return curwidth + 24;
inside the combobox, you can bind to the dataBound event, determine the size of the elements, and update the container and parent to match the actual size
index: 0,
dataSource: {
data: ["One", "Two", "Hundred"]
dataBound: function() {
var width = determineWidth(this.dataSource.data());
var comboBox = $("#combobox").data("kendoComboBox");
fiddle you can find here: http://jsfiddle.net/Icepickle/gLbLtjhf/