I have a training set where the input vectors are speed, acceleration and turn angle change. Output is a crisp class- an activity state from the given set {rest, walk, run}. e.g- say for input vectors [3.1 1.2 2]-->run ; [2.1 1 1]-->walk and so on.
I am using weka to develop a Neural Network model. The output I am defining as crisp ones (or rather qualitative ones in words- categorical values). After training the model, the model can fairly classify on test data.
I was wondering how the internal process (mapping function) is taking place? Is the qualitative output states are getting some nominal value inside the model and after processing it is again getting converted to the categorical data? because a NN model cannot map float input values to a categorical data through hidden neurons, so what is actually happening, although the model is working fine.
If the model converts the categorical outputs into nominal ones and then start processing then on what basis it converts the categorical value into some arbitrary numerical values?