
I have the following C# console app code that uses the HTMLAgilityPack to analyze some sample HTML:

static void Main(string[] args)
  string input = @"
<span style=""font-style: italic"">This is the title</span>.
This is the introductory text:
  <li>List Item One</li>
  <li>List Item Two</li>
  <li>List Item Three</li>
  <li>This list item is nested:
        <li>List Item Four A.</li>
        <li>List Item Four B.</li>
      Yes it is.
  <li>List Item Five</li>
This is the footer text. Last updated: July 20, 2014


  HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();

  catch (Exception e)
    LogIt("ERROR: " + e.Message);

  HtmlNode get_title = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//span");
  if (get_title != null)
    LogIt("Title: '" + get_title.InnerHtml + "'");

  HtmlNodeCollection get_outer_lists = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//ol//li");

  if (get_outer_lists != null)
    foreach (HtmlNode hn_outer in get_outer_lists) 
      LogIt("Begin outer for");
      LogIt("outer HTML: '" + hn_outer.OuterHtml + "'");

      // Now fetch inner list, the text above the inner list, and the 
      // text below the inner list.

      HtmlNodeCollection get_inner_lists = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//ol//li//ol//li");

      if (get_inner_lists != null)
        foreach (HtmlNode hn_inner in get_inner_lists)
          LogIt("\tinner HTML: '" + hn_inner.OuterHtml + "'");
        LogIt("ERROR: Could not get inner list");
    LogIt("ERROR: Could not select //ol//li");


private static void LogIt(string str)


...and this is the output:

Title: 'This is the title'
Begin outer for
outer HTML: '<li>List Item One</li>'
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four A.</li>'
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four B.</li>'
Begin outer for
outer HTML: '<li>List Item Two</li>'
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four A.</li>'
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four B.</li>'
Begin outer for
outer HTML: '<li>List Item Three</li>'
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four A.</li>'
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four B.</li>'
Begin outer for
outer HTML: '<li>This list item is nested:
        <li>List Item Four A.</li>
        <li>List Item Four B.</li>
      Yes it is.
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four A.</li>'
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four B.</li>'
Begin outer for
outer HTML: '<li>List Item Four A.</li>'
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four A.</li>'
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four B.</li>'
Begin outer for
outer HTML: '<li>List Item Four B.</li>'
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four A.</li>'
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four B.</li>'
Begin outer for
outer HTML: '<li>List Item Five</li>'
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four A.</li>'
        inner HTML: '<li>List Item Four B.</li>'
  1. I can get the title text just fine, but how do I get the introductory text or the footer? They don't belong to an HTML element I can select.
  2. The outer foreach loop iterates through both the outer and the inner ordered lists. How do I change the XPath string so that the outer for loop only iterates through the outer list? The inner for loop should take care of the inner list.
Well, can't you change the HTML? I know this is just an example but I've scraped a lot of different websites before and I rarely see a case where the page is formatted this way. Usually the header or footer will be inside an element.Gabriel G. Roy

1 Answers


Regarding question no.1, you can use text() to select text nodes (the introductory text and the footer in your HTML sample) :

var result = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("/text()");
foreach (HtmlNode r in result)


And regarding question no.2 (if I understand it correctly), for the outer loop XPath, you can get <ol> nodes having another <ol> node descendant, then get direct child <li> nodes from the former <ol> mentioned before like so :
