I have a bunch of panels and I want to let the user right click any of those panels and perform a "delete file" action.
So, I have a single pop-up menu associated with all those panels.
This is how I find out which panel was right clicked:
(Note: I put lots of comments to clearly explain how it works. But if you don't like it, you can compactify the code to 2 lines (see the second procedure)).
So, if you have actions assigned to that pop-up menu:
procedure Tfrm.actDelExecute(Sender: TObject);
PopMenu: TPopupMenu;
MenuItem: TMenuItem;
PopupComponent: TComponent;
{ Find the menuitem associated to this action }
MenuItem:= TAction(Sender).ActionComponent as TMenuItem; { This will crash and burn if we call this from a pop-up menu, not from an action! But we always use actions, so.... }
{ Was this action called by keyboard shortcut? Note: in theory there should be no keyboard shortcuts for this action if the action can be applyed to multiple panels. We can call this action ONLY by selecting (right click) a panel! }
if MenuItem = NIL then
MsgError('This action should not be called by keyboard shortcuts!');
{ Find to which pop-up menu this menuitem belongs to }
PopMenu:= (MenuItem.GetParentMenu as TPopupMenu);
{ Find on which component the user right clicks }
PopupComponent := PopMenu.PopupComponent;
{ Finally, access that component }
(PopupComponent as TMonFrame).Delete(FALSE);
If you only have a simple pop-up menu (no actions assigned):
procedure Tfrm.actDelHddExecute(Sender: TObject);
VAR PopupComponent: TComponent;
PopupComponent := ((Sender as TMenuItem).GetParentMenu as TPopupMenu).PopupComponent;
(PopupComponent as TMonFrame).Delete(TRUE);
You can put all that code in a single function that returns a TPanel and call it like this:
procedure Tfrm.actDelWallExecute(Sender: TObject);
if GetPanelFromPopUp(Sender) <> NIL
then GetPanelFromPopUp(Sender).Delete(FALSE);