I have answered this question before[1]. Nevertheless, I'll briefly reiterate why we describe data types as being "algebraic" in this answer.
First, let's understand what the word "algebra" means. The word "algebra" is derived from the Arabic phrase "al-jabr" which means "reunion of broken parts"[2]. The theme of breaking down problems into simpler problems (decomposition) and then reintegrating the solutions to these problems into the final solution (recomposition) is central to several fields including programming[3].
The phrase "al-jabr" was a part of the title of a famous paper on equations[4] written by the Persian mathematician Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, better known as Algoritmi in Latin. The word "algorithm" was derived from his name. The title of the paper was "Kitab al-Jabr w'al-Muqabala" which translates to "Rules of Reintegration and Reduction". It was this paper that introduced Arabic numerals to the West.
Algebra is all about reintegration (i.e. combining parts of an object into the whole). Hence, algebraic data types are about combining simpler data types into more complex data types. You can think of a data type as a set. For example, the data type Int
is the set of all integers. We can combine simpler types into more complex types using the cartesian product operation and the disjoint union operation.
The cartesian product operation produces product types[5]. For example, if we have two data types, Int
and Char
, then the cartesian product Int × Char
is the set of all the possible pairs of integers and characters. A value of the type Int × Char
is the pair (0, 'a')
The disjoint union operation produces sum types[6]. For example, if we have two data types, Int
and Char
, then the disjoint union Int + Char
is the set of all integers tagged with Int
or characters tagged with Char
. Values of the type Int + Char
are the pairs (0, Int)
and ('a', Char)
Algebraic data types allow you to define data types algebraically. For example, the following Shape
data type is a disjoint union of the Circle
and Rectangle
types which are both cartesian products of the Double
data Shape = Circle { x :: Double, y :: Double, r :: Double }
| Rectangle { x1 :: Double, y1 :: Double, x2 :: Double, y2 :: Double }
This is the reason why they are called "algebraic" data types.
stands for Abstract Data Type, not Algebraic Data Type. – Barmar