I'm currently using CakePHP 2.5.2 I want to integrate a plugin to manage Users. I tested it in a first time as a single CakePHP Application (controllers in app/controller, models in app/model, views in app/view/Users): was ok.
I'm trying now to convert it as a plugin: I've created a folder UserManager in app/plugin.
When I try to go to the url of one of my controllers, I get the message Missing Controller.
All plugin are loaded in Bootstrap.php (CakePlugin::loadAll();
I tried to find similar problems vs solutions but no one was relevant with my problem (I tried some proposed solutions but root causes were different.
When I look at DebugKit in Include section, I can observe that my DebugKit plugin is loaded but not my other plugin...
Could some one suggest me a solution ? Thanks in advance.
(Please find bellow a description of the code)
I added controllers, models and views as follows (skeleton generated by Bake and checked: ok):
1) Models in app/plugin/model
App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
class UserManagerAppModel extends AppModel {
App::uses('AuthComponent', 'Controller/Component');
class User extends UserManagerAppModel {
2) Controllers in app/plugin/controller
App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
class UserManagerAppController extends AppController {
class UsersController extends UserManagerAppController {
public $uses = array('UserManager.User');
public function beforeFilter() {
public function login() {
3)Views in app/plugin/view/Users
Nothing special.