I have a company (private) account and 2-Factor-Authentication enabled, so I had to combine a few posts to make it work as below. (Jotting down so it may be useful to someone with the same situation)
Initially it was the Fatal Error.
fatal: repository 'https:
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository 'https:
Installed the credential manager and updated GIT as mentioned here: https://codeshare.co.uk/blog/how-to-solve-the-github-error-fatal-httprequestexception-encountered/
That did not solve the problem as the issue moved to the below when I tried using the clone command as follows:
$ git clone https://<username>:<password>@github.com/<ORG_NAME>/<PROJECT-NAME>.git
remote: Invalid username or password.
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://
My password had $ symbol in it and for some reason GIT command line / GIT Bash did not like it. I can see this on the error returned text did not have the $ symbol in it.
fatal: Authentication failed for 'https://<username>:<password-missing-$-symbol>@github.com/<ORG_NAME>/<PROJECT-NAME>.git'
I had to reference this site: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Credential-Storage
Please note: If an incorrect password is stored for your account in
Windows Credential Manager it will also add to the problem. I
removed the github credential stored this way before moving to the step below.
$ git config --global credential.helper cache
$ git clone https://<username>:<password>@github.com/<ORG_NAME>/<PROJECT-NAME>.git
Now the Windows Credential manager popped-up. I typed my username and password in the text-boxes (This accepted my password that had the $ symbol) and prompted me for a 2-Factor Authentication code. I typed in the authentication code from Google Authenticator, and the clone started perfectly.